Technical drawings for
Building Regulation approval
Do you need approval?
Almost all types of building work will require a building control application except certain small buildings such as porches and carports. We will advise during our consultation if any exclusion may apply. It is a legal requirement of the owner to ensure compliance with building regulations; if work is carried out that does not comply with the building regulations the Local Authority may serve the building owner with a notice to put right the building work. If a notice is not complied with the Local Authority has the power to remove unauthorised structures.
Local Authority Fees for Building Regulation approval.
For new dwellings the Local Authority will charge a fixed fee dependant on the number, extensions are calculated according to floor area, other work by a reasonable estimate of the value of works. Since fees vary between approved bodies and even LABC in different areas, we will advise on an individual basis after checking with the service provider(Please note their fee is separate to ours).
The Approved Documents
The building regulations or “regs.” as they are known in the building industry, exist to ensure the construction of safe, thermally efficient and accessible buildings. This is usually achieved by following guidance set out in the approved documents which are given legal status by the Building Act 1984.
What we will do.
During our initial consultation we will advise what will be required to make an application for Building Regulation approval. Usually this will involve us preparing scaled drawings of floor plans, elevations, and cross-sectional details to show the technical construction of the building, together with a written specification, and where required calculations. After preparing these and gathering any other information required, we will submit the application on your behalf. On approval we will provide the client with a copy of the Approval Notice and approved drawings.
Postal Address:
Pippins Cemetery Rd, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7UR
Call landline for inquiries:
(0113) 2501303